North-East End Blues

North-East End Blues


Composed by Maksym Grynchuk

Instrumentation - 5 Saxophones, 4 Trumpets, 4 Trombones, Rhythm Section
Difficulty - Easy - Trumpet Range Concert D5
Style - Medium Swing
Solos - Piano, Alto Sax, Trumpet

This tune follows a AABA minor blues with a bridge form. It starts off with a crunchy and understated piano solo which leads into the main theme played by the lead alto, tenor, and trumpet. The second ‘A’ introduces a countermelody from the remaining saxes and accompanying backings from the trombones. The bridge (led by the saxes) really digs in groove-wise. After the alto sax and trumpet solos there is a 16-bar extended shout section over the harmony of the bridge before a final ‘A’ section with a three time tag.

This tune was written as the set piece for Division 4 of the 2021 SA Schools Jazz Festival.

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